Scoil Mhuire Glenties
New Scoil Mhuire Crossword Competition sponsored by Club Naomh Conall
Click on the crossword. Download the crossword. Complete the crossword. Send an image of your completed crossword to or to the school mobile 087 0924958. Best of luck everyone! Prizes for this, our final crossword, have been sponsored by Club Naomh Conall. Two football tops are up for grabs!
Update:Last crossword winner was Séan Óg! Well done Séan Óg.
Green schools competition

In the absence of Bikeweek next week June 15th-19th Greenschools have decided to celebrate with a competition. Listen to Highland radio on Monday June 15th at 12.30 for more details. Take a picture on your bike in your favourite place in Donegal or with your favourite person to win a prize of some bike accessories! Read the poster for entry details.
Click on the bike to be taken to the Greenschools website and see the Week 9 Stay at Home -Travel video and activities!