Building a fort
The Quigleys have been busy at home building a fort! In between all the incredibly hard school work they have doing and submitting to...
Karolina gets crafty!
Karolina has been getting really crafty during the lockdown. She sent Miss Stewart a sample of her work which includes knitting, baking...
Communion day delivery
Here is a lovely picture of Hannah receiving her delivery on Communion day from Scoil Mhuire. The boys and girls did not get to receive...
I want to ride my bicycle...
The Quigley's taking a break from all the homeschooling on their bikes. Thanks to Maria for the pictures!
Homeschooling Straboy Style
Busy learning the concepts of time and capacity and weight straboy style..... So while mammy and daddy are at work Sean Og and Darcie Lee...
Stephen's Thank You to Nurses
Stephen Mc Devitt wrote a lovely Thank You note to front line staff as part of World Nurses' Day on May 12th. We think it was lovely to...
Hey Pesto!
Lilliane and Maya have been out and about in nature. They gathered wild garlic and made pesto! Amazing girls! Lilliane make a booklet on...