Made by Maria
This poem was written by Maria Mc Loone and was published in the Sunday Business Post 'Made by Kids' magazine yesterday. Amazing job Maria! You have been published in a national newspaper- so impressive.
All my life I’ve loved
Relaxing and having a look,
Inside the magical pages
Of many wonderful books.
I would go to Hogwarts,
Make potions, cast spells.
Poor Neville Longbottom
Never did them well.
Or perhaps I’d go
Through a dusty old wardrobe.
In Narnia the snow swirls
Like a shaken snowglobe.
Through a hidden door
To a garden full of roses;
It’s full of Magic,
Young Mary supposes.
I could visit Miss Minchin’s.
I’d meet Sara and Becky.
I feel sorry for them.
They’re very unlucky.
In Wonka’s chocolate factory
There’s plenty to eat.
I really wish that I had
A year’s supply of sweets.
I’d visit the prairie,
To find a small house,
Where once Laura’s Pa’s hair
Was cut by a mouse.
I might visit Wonderland
Though I’d like to keep my head!
All these worlds you can explore
From the comfort of your bed.
So don’t turn on your phone tonight,
Open a book instead.